173 News
Implementing missions in Nordic regions
This policy brief aims to shed some light on the mission’s approach, specifically within innovation policy, and how it is interpreted and implemented at different territorial levels. Mission-oriented innovation policies (MOIP) have gained traction in academia and policy in recent years as a possible means to set the directionality of collective efforts and accelerate transformative change around some of today’s grand societal challenges. This policy brief presents the academic debate around the territorial dimensions of MOIPs, followed by a brief discussion of how MOIPs have been adopted so far at the supra-national, national and sub-national levels. More specifically, a snapshot of the innovation policy landscape and the degree of penetration of mission and transformative approaches in Denmark, Finland and Sweden is presented. Furthermore, the interpretation and adoption of missions at the regional level are discussed based on the results of three Nordic case studies, including Northern Jutland (DK), Ostrobothnia (FI) and Västerbotten (SE). The final section discusses the implications of adopting MOIPs and provides a list of recommendations for Nordic regions.
2025 February
- Policy brief
- Nordic Region
- Governance
- Green transition
- Regional innovation
Proactively engaging citizens in European Union Cohesion Policy
This policy paper provides key recommendations outlining ways to proactively engage citizens in EU cohesion policy processes. The recommendations are designed to support EU, national, and regional level policymakers to achieve the priority goal for the 2021-2027 EU cohesion policy programme period of bringing ‘Europe closer to citizens’. European Union (EU) Cohesion Policy is the one area of EU policy competence with the highest potential for directly engaging citizens in EU policymaking processes. While the European Commission has introduced many cohesion policy instruments that bring policymaking closer to regional and local levels, direct citizen involvement in this policy sphere remains negligible. A citizen focused approach needs to be embedded within existing cohesion policy structures to maximize the potential of cohesion policy for strengthening the connection between the EU and citizens. The main questions addressed in this policy brief are:
2025 January
- Policy brief
- Europe
- Governance
Collaborative Regional Leadership
As regional challenges grow increasingly complex, successful collaboration becomes more vital. This report investigates the drivers, obstacles, and enablers of collaborative leadership, essential for addressing regional socio-economic challenges and fostering sustainable development in the Nordic region. This results of this report are grounded in the cooperative work of Nordic Thematic Group for Green, Innovative and Resilient Regions 2021-2024. Our research expands the concept of collaborative regional leadership, narrowing the focus on how regional institutions and stakeholders practically work together both currently and, in the future, to develop more effective policies, implement strategies, and drive forward ambitious projects. The study identifies factors that either enable or hinder collaboration and proposes a new model for fostering long-term, sustainable partnerships. Using data from a Nordic-wide survey and four in-depth case studies, the report zooms in on: The research reveals that what often triggers collaboration – crisis, shared regional challenges, and policy shifts – there are critical common factors that frequently curb progress – limited resources, weak leadership, and fragmented policy frameworks. Successful collaborations rely on strong networks, clear leadership, and a culture of cooperation. Our findings emphasize the value of engaging diverse stakeholders and fostering trust to achieve sustainable outcomes. This report’s recommendations include creating long-term platforms for regional collaboration and investing in leadership development to strengthen multi-stakeholder initiatives. By synthesizing the experiences of Nordic regions, this report provides a practical framework for building resilient, collaborative ecosystems that support both regional development and the broader Nordic Vision 2030.
2025 January
- Report
- Nordic Region
- Governance
Robust regional civil preparedness in the Nordic Region
What does it take to build a robust society that can withstand crises? Draw inspiration from a selection of good practice examples on civil preparedness and crisis response in the Nordics. Take a tour across the Nordic Region and learn more about inspiring initiatives in different parts of the Nordics to enhance civil preparedness, resilience and crisis response capacities at the local level. The examples cover measures ranging from dealing with extreme weather, to addressing food security, energy provision, raw materials, as well as access to public services and essential infrastructure. The storymap showcases a selection of 24 examples of civil preparedness and crisis response in the Nordics. The examples illustrate the broad scope of regional civil preparedness initiatives in the Nordic Region and highlight the diversity of contributions from public authorities at the level of the state, regions and municipalities, as well as private businesses and civil society organisations. They also emphasise the key role of cooperation between individuals, colleagues, sectors in a municipality, between municipalities, between sectors in the region, between regions, within the state, as well as between states. This storymap has been produced as a part of the Robust Regional Preparedness project that explores how regional policies in the Nordic countries can enhance civil preparedness and resilience during crises.
2024 September
- Storymap
- Cross-border
- Nordic Region
- Governance
- Rural development
- Urban planning
Bytes and Rights: Civil society’s role in digital inclusion
Civil society actors play a crucial part in bridging the digital divide. Their work on the multifaceted needs of at-risk groups should not be overlooked. How are NGOs across the Nordic-Baltic Region working to include their target groups? What hurdles do they face and how can we all – from policymakers to society at large – bolster their efforts going forward? To promote equal access to digitalised society, this publication explores the unique challenges and triumphs of NGOs aiding diverse groups. As part of Nordregio’s research project titled “Digital Inclusion in Action”, this Storymap highlights the important role of civil society actors in combating digital exclusion in the Nordic and Baltic region. The results showed that civil society actors in the Nordic and Baltic countries use a diverse range of approaches and tools to address needs and challenges – ranging from skills development, technological development, and lobbying. The data collection for this publication involved mapping of stakeholders, as well as a survey, conducted in spring 2023, targeting 314 civil society actors across the Nordic and Baltic region. Of the 74 responses received, 93% indicated their user group was at risk of digital exclusion, and 83% were actively providing assistance to those at risk. Following the survey, 25 interviews were conducted between October 2023 and February 2024 with representatives from Nordic and Baltic NGOs. Seventeen of the interviewed NGOs are presented in the final Storymap.
2024 September
- Storymap
- Baltic Sea Region
- Nordic Region
- Digitalisation
- Governance
The Nordic View on Sustainability – Learnings from the Local Level
This Nordic Voluntary Subnational Review (VSR) is the first cross-national report of its kind in the world. It has been developed as a joint venture by the Nordic Associations of Local and Regional Governments (LRGAs) and Nordregio. The aim of the report is to highlight how the Nordic municipalities and regional authorities have localised the Sustainable Development Goals – progress made, as well as obstacles they have met in their work. Through the report and a toolbox, we want to share learnings and tested methods with local and regional authorities globally. Development happens locally. At least 105 of the 169 SDG targets depend on active engagement from local and regional authorities. The 2030 Agenda can serve as a tool to pinpoint sustainability challenges and track progress holistically, fostering collaboration among citizens, businesses, and civil society. Nordic welfare states, known for their autonomy at the municipal and regional level, have long served as a global benchmark for systematically addressing sustainability challenges. This Nordic VSR is based on surveys sent to Nordic municipalities, complemented by interviews with representatives from the LRGAs regarding the strengths and weaknesses of national support to the local level, as well as the role of LRGAs in building competence and promoting municipal cooperation. The report also includes subchapters on methods for meaningful citizen engagement by The Nordic Youth Network for Sustainable Development and the Nordic Civil Society Network. The report’s official launch took place as a side event at the UN High-Level Political Forum. See a recording of it here. Five highlights from the report Nordic Toolbox An important complement to the Nordic VSR is the Nordic Toolbox: an interactive, online map of Nordic municipalities showcasing transferable methods and initiatives for implementing the SDGs. The Nordic Toolbox offers a diverse collection of examples and tools that you can filter by SDG or by…
2024 July
- Report
- Nordic Region
- Governance
- Sustainable development