158 News
Lokalt ägandeskap av hållbar energi
Det är dags att ställa om till en mer hållbar energiframtid, vilket öppnar upp för nya möjligheter för att äga energi lokalt, tillsammans. Uppsala universitet och Nordregio har tillsammans tagit fram denna guide, som riktar sig till de som är intresserad av att skapa projekt för lokalt ägd energi, samt till dig som är beslutsfattare eller finansiär och vill förstå hur du kan underlätta för medborgare att förverkliga dessa projekt. Det finns stor potential i att gemensamt skapa och äga energi på lokal nivå: lägre kostnader för invånarna, resilienta lokalsamhällen och robusta energisystem. Intresset för lokalägda energiprojekt växer stadigt, men frågetecknen är fortfarande många, och processen svårnavigerad. Denna praktiska guide erbjuder tre steg för att hjälpa lokalsamhällen att gå från idé till genomförande, med praktiska lärdomar från fallstudier, och hänvisningar till resurser. Trots en uttalad politisk vilja att stödja denna omställning, både på EU-nivå och nationellt, saknas tydliga strukturer och politiskt stöd. Guiden avslutas därför med sex rekommendationerna till finansiärer samt beslutsfattare på lokal, regional och nationell nivå, för att hjälpa lokala energiprojekt att blomstra.
2025 March
- Report
- Sustainable development
Towards healthy and sustainable diets in Greenland and the Faroe Islands
The food systems and dietary patterns in Greenland and the Faroe Islands are shaped by their unique geographical, climatic, and cultural contexts, setting them apart from other Nordic countries. This policy brief explores the characteristics of these food systems and dietary patterns. It examines both the challenges and opportunities, as well as the ongoing policy initiatives aimed at promoting healthy and sustainable food consumption practices. In essence, this policy brief examines the interplay between the environmental, economic, and cultural determinants that shape food systems in Greenland and the Faroe Islands. By analysing food survey data, the brief provides insights into recent dietary trends and examines policy initiatives aimed at fostering healthier and more sustainable diets. It underscores the need for integrated approaches that enhance food self-sufficiency and sustainability, while preserving cultural traditions and enhancing social well-being. The brief concludes with key recommendations designed to promote healthy and sustainable diets in Greenland and the Faroe Islands.
2025 February
- Policy brief
- Nordic Region
- Health and wellbeing
- Sustainable development
Nordic Toolbox for a Just Green Transition
The green transition involves different economic, social and territorial impacts that have been explored in the four year research project “Not Just a Green Transition – Examining the path towards a socially just green transition in the Nordic Region” (short name: NJUST). The result is the Nordic Toolbox for a Just Green Transition, which contributes to a transition towards a climate neutral Nordic Region that is socially just. The comprehensive and interactive toolbox offers guidance for Nordic policymakers to navigate challenges, listen to those affected, and get inspired. The toolbox highlights six priority areas for enabling a just green transition, and offers policy memos from four socially at-risk groups: older adults, youth, people with disabilities and those at risk of unemployment. Through practical tools and examples, a structured checklist, policymakers can gain insights into how to take action for a transition that is not only green – but equitable too. We want your feedback! Answer this short survey with your thoughts and feedback on the Toolbox.
2024 November
- Report
- Nordic Region
- Green transition
- Sustainable development
The Nordic View on Sustainability – Learnings from the Local Level
This Nordic Voluntary Subnational Review (VSR) is the first cross-national report of its kind in the world. It has been developed as a joint venture by the Nordic Associations of Local and Regional Governments (LRGAs) and Nordregio. The aim of the report is to highlight how the Nordic municipalities and regional authorities have localised the Sustainable Development Goals – progress made, as well as obstacles they have met in their work. Through the report and a toolbox, we want to share learnings and tested methods with local and regional authorities globally. Development happens locally. At least 105 of the 169 SDG targets depend on active engagement from local and regional authorities. The 2030 Agenda can serve as a tool to pinpoint sustainability challenges and track progress holistically, fostering collaboration among citizens, businesses, and civil society. Nordic welfare states, known for their autonomy at the municipal and regional level, have long served as a global benchmark for systematically addressing sustainability challenges. This Nordic VSR is based on surveys sent to Nordic municipalities, complemented by interviews with representatives from the LRGAs regarding the strengths and weaknesses of national support to the local level, as well as the role of LRGAs in building competence and promoting municipal cooperation. The report also includes subchapters on methods for meaningful citizen engagement by The Nordic Youth Network for Sustainable Development and the Nordic Civil Society Network. The report’s official launch took place as a side event at the UN High-Level Political Forum. See a recording of it here. Five highlights from the report Nordic Toolbox An important complement to the Nordic VSR is the Nordic Toolbox: an interactive, online map of Nordic municipalities showcasing transferable methods and initiatives for implementing the SDGs. The Nordic Toolbox offers a diverse collection of examples and tools that you can filter by SDG or by…
2024 July
- Report
- Nordic Region
- Governance
- Sustainable development