Leneisja Jungsberg

Senior Research Fellow and Team leader

Specialised in regional development including impacts from large scale industries, local business diversification, participatory methods, community development, rural social innovation initiatives, socio-economic assessments and Arctic cooperation and sustainability.

Academic qualifications

PhD in Regional Development & Community-driven Strategic Planning, Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Section for Landscape Architecture and Planning, Copenhagen University
MSc Social Science and Global studies, Roskilde University
BA in Social Science and Cultural Encounters, Roskilde University


Prior positions
Trainee at the International Water Department at Grontmij (2013)
Student Assistant at the Department of Quality Assurance for International Cooperation (DANIDA) Ministry of Foreign Affairs Copenhagen (2011-2013)
Cultural and Press Intern at the Embassy of Denmark in Hanoi, Vietnam (2010)


Peer-reviewed publications

Jungsberg, Leneisja; Wendt-Lucas, Nicola (2023) Local Indicators, adaptation actions, and resilience efforts for a warming climate in North Greenland. Chapter in Routledge Handbook of Climate Change Impacts on Indigenous People and Local Communities. DOI: 10.4324/9781003356837-27

Jungsberg, Leneisja (2022) Rural Communities responding to territorial challenges in the Nordic Region. PhD thesis. Department of Geosciences and Natural Resources Management, University of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg.

Ramage, Justine; Jungsberg, Leneisja; Meyer, Alexandra; Gartler, Susanna (2022) ‘No longer solid’: perceived impacts of permafrost thaw in three Arctic communities, Polar Geography https://doi.org/10.1080/1088937X.2022.2105973

Jungsberg, L., Byskov, L., Nilsson, K., Wang, S., Tomaškovičovád, S., Madsen, K., Scheer, J., Ingeman-Nielsen, T., (2021) Adaptive capacity to manage permafrost degradation in Northwest Greenland. Polar Geography. https://doi.org/10.1080/1088937X.2021.1995067

Timlin, U., Kauppila, S., Jungsberg L., Nordström, T., Schmidt Pedersen, K., Kyngäs H., Rautio, (2021) Perception of Health Challenges, Self-rated Health and Feeling of Empowerment in a Changing Climate and Environment with Permafrost Thawing. Sci. MDPI. https://www.mdpi.com/2413-4155/3/2/28

Larsen, Joan Nymand; Schweitzer, Peter; Abass, Khaled; Doloisio, Natalia; Gartler, Susanna; Ingeman-Nielsen, Thomas; Ingimundarson, Jón Haukur, Jungsberg, Leneisja; Meyer, Alexandra; Rautio, Arja; Scheer, Johanna; Timlin, Ulla; Vanderlinden, Jean-Paul; Vullierme, Magali (2021) Thawing Permafrost in Arctic Coastal Communities: A Framework for Studying Risks from Climate Change in Sustainability, Volume 13, Issue 5 https://doi.org/10.3390/su13052651

Ulla, Timlin, Ingimundarson, Jón Haukur; Jungsberg, Leneisja; Kauppila, Sofia; Larsen, Joan Nymand; Nordström, Tanja; Scheer, Johanna; Schweitzer, Peter; Rautio, Arja (2021) Living conditions and mental wellness in a changing climate and environment: focus on community voices and perceived environmental and adaptation factors in Greenland. Helyon Volume 7, issue 4. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e06862

Ramage, Justine; Jungsberg, Leneisja; Wang, Shinan; Westermann, Sebastian; Lantuit, Hugues; Heleniak, Tim (2021) Population living on permafrost in the Arctic. Population and Environment Journal. Springer. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11111-020-00370-6

Jungsberg, Leneisja; Copus, Andrew; Byskov Herslund, Lise; Nilsson, Kjell; Perjo, Liisa; Randall, Linda; Berlina, Anna (2020) Key actors in community-driven social innovation in rural areas in the Nordic countries. Journal of Rural studies. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0743016718311574

Jungsberg, Leneisja; Byskov Herslund, Lise; Nilsson, Kjell; Umander, Karina; Kantola, Anna; Teräs, Jukka; Weber, Ryan (2020) Local smart specialisation: An approach to increasing preparedness in rural communities with resource-based industries in the Northern Periphery. European Journal of Spatial Planning. https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A1499839&dswid=-5226

Suopajärvi, Leena; Umander, Karina; Jungsberg, Leneisja (2019) Social license to operate in the frame of social capital exploring local acceptance of mining in two rural municipalities in the European North. Resources Policy Journal. Elsevier: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S030142071830566X

Popular scientific publications

Jungsberg, L.; Berlina, A.; Vestergård, L.; Guðmundsdóttir, H.; Ueland, Ø. (2024) Policy tools for sustainable and healthy eating: Enabling a food transition in the Nordic countries. Nordic Council of Ministers. Policy tools for sustainable and healthy eating: Enabling a food transition in the Nordic countries (norden.org)

Jungsberg, L., Berlina, A., Ueland, Ø (2023) Healthy and sustainable food futures: Policy design for behavior change. Nordic Council of Ministers. pub.norden.org/nord2023-016/nord2023-016.pdf

Jungsberg, Leneisja; Huynh, Diana (2023) Young Voices from the Arctic: Insights on climate change and permafrost degradation. Nordregio working paper 2023:6 https://pub.nordregio.org/wp-2023-6-young-voices-from-the-arctic/index.html

Jungsberg, Leneisja; Salonen, Hilma; Rohrer, Lisa (2023) Scaling up Nordic impact through public procurement. A review of literature. Nordregio working paper 2023:1 scaling-up-nordic-impact-through-public-procurement.pdf (nordregio.org)

Jungsberg, Leneisja (2022) Turning Greenland’s sand into Gold, Nature Sustainability https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-022-00945-1

Nilsson, Kjell & Jungsberg, Leneisja (2022) The owl has landed. Nordregio article. The owl has landed.pdf (nordregio.org)

Jungsberg, Leneisja; Turunen, Eeva; Heleniak, Tim; Wang, Shinan; Ramage, Justine; Roto, Johanna (2019) Atlas of population, society and economy in the Arctic. Nordregio working paper: https://nordregio.org/publications/atlas-of-population-society-and-economy-in-the-arctic/

Karlsdottir, Anna; Cuadrado, Alex; Jungsberg, Leneisja (2019) Enabling vulnerable youth in rural areas not in education, employment or training. Nordregio working paper. https://nordregio.org/publications/enabling-vulnerable-youth-in-rural-a reas-not-in-education-employment-or-training/

Jungberg, Leneisja; Copus, Andrew; Weber, Ryan; Nilsson, Kjell (2018) Demographic change and labour market challenges in regions with large-scale resource-based industries in the Northern Periphery and Arctic. REGINA working paper: http://www.reginaproject.eu/library

Umander, Karina; Norlén, Gustaf; Jungsberg, Leneisja (2018) Social Impacts of Mining in Storuman Municipality: Results of a survey to local residents. REGINA working paper. http://www.reginaproject.eu/library

Berlina, Anna; Jungsberg, Leneisja; Tepecik Diş, Asli (2017) LOCAL FOOD SYSTEMS FORMATION: The potential of local food initiatives in the Baltic Sea Region. Nordregio Working Paper. https://nordregio.org/publications/local-food-systems-formation-the-potential-of-local-food-initiatives-in-the-baltic-sea-region/

Karlsdottir, Anna; Jungsberg, Leneisja; Olsen, Lise; Greve, Lisbeth Harbo; Rasmussen, Rasmus Ole. (2017) Future Regional Development Policy for the Nordic Arctic: Foresight Analysis 2013–2016. Nordregio report; commissioned by the Nordic Working group for Sustainable development in the Arctic 2013-2016. https://nordregio.org/publications/future-regional-development-policy-for-the-nordic-arctic-foresight-analysis-2013-2016/

Copus, Andrew; Perjo, Liisa; Berlina, Anna; Jungsberg; Leneisja, Randall Linda & Sigurjónsdóttir, Hjördís (2017) Social innovation in local development: Lessons from the Nordic countries and Scotland. Nordregio working paper. https://nordregio.org/publications/social-innovation-in-local-development-lessons-from-the-nordic-countries-and-scotland-2/

Suopajärvi, Leena; Jungsberg, Leneisja (2016) Tools for monitoring social impacts in the Arctic. Working paper for REGINA project – Regional Innovation in the Nordic Arctic and Scotland with a special focus on regions with large scale industries. http://www.reginaproject.eu/library

Nylund, Lisbeth; Jungsberg, Leneisja (2016) What are the challenges for future regional policy in the Nordic Arctic? Overview article for Nordregio News #2 in 2016: https://nordregio.org/nordregio-magazine/issues/community-involvement-in-the-nordic-arctic/what-are-the-challenges-for-future-regional-policy-in-the-nordic-arctic/

Rasmussen, Rasmus Ole; Leneisja Jungsberg (2016) How does the foresight method work? Methodological article for Nordregio News News #2 in 2016 https://nordregio.org/nordregio-magazine/issues/community-involvement-in-the-nordic-arctic/how-does-the-foresight-method-work/

Olsen, Lise Smed; Berlina, Anna, Jungsberg, Leneisja; Rasmussen, Rasmus Ole (2016) Sustainable business development in the Arctic. Nordregio report; commissioned by Nordic Working group for Sustainable development in the Arctic 2013-2016. https://nordregio.org/publications/sustainable-business-development-in-the-nordic-arctic/

Karlsdottìr, Anna; Jungsberg, Leneisja (2015) Nordic Arctic Youth Future Perspectives. Nordregio report; commissioned by the Nordic working group for Sustainable development in the Arctic. https://www.norden.org/en/publication/nordic-arctic-youth-future-perspectives

Rasmussen, Rasmus Ole; Jungsberg, Leneisja (2015) Storskala aktiviteter I Arktis – Hovedpunkter fra seminar i Qaqortoq, Sydgrønland, Nordregio Working paper: https://archive.nordregio.se/Global/Publications/Publications%202015/Seminarreport_storskalaaktiviteteriarktis.pdf

Leneisja Jungsberg‘s spatial story

Local communities with global connections in the Nordic Arctic

Today we live in a world of globalisation and we see that worldwide relations are linking distant localities in such a way that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many thousands of miles away.

With the advancement in communication, transportation technology allowing for a dynamic exchange of goods, capital, people, and services there are today an economic interconnectedness influencing the opportunities for people locally.

This also became obvious when I did fieldwork in South Greenland investigating the socio-economic impacts of a recently closed-down goldmine. After 9 years with two different international companies managing the goldmine, the operation closed in 2013 due to a decrease in the prices of gold. This illustrates the interconnectedness between global market prices and how it brings social and economic changes locally. Seen from the perspective of key stakeholders in South Greenland the international company operating in the goldmine didn’t make the most informed decisions regarding the scale of operating the mine.

A prerequisite to building sustainable exploitation of natural resources is to understand the context of the indigenous people and past colonisation. In South Greenland, the international mining company were struggling with the supply of skilled labour as well as applying local knowledge on basic areas such as weather conditions during winter and how it could impact productivity. Certain technical equipment also broke and the long shipping period entailed delays and periods without any operation and thereby the expectations for gold extraction many times exceeded the actual possibility of gold extraction.

The economy for many communities in the Arctic is a mixed cash-subsistence economy where “customary harvesting practices are not only culturally but also economically important locally, although their role varies by region, ethnic group, urban or rural setting, and generation” (Arctic Human Development Report). With the vast abundance of natural resources exploitation of these by large scale industries can play a key role for the labour market and inflow of capital locally for many communities. And local economic development can be highly dependent on the global market but the global actors from the mining companies need to cooperating with actors locally to adapt to the local conditions and community advice.

What inspires me is how the global interconnectedness constantly is changing and the exchange taking place between local and global actors and how they influence each other economically, socially and culturally. To understand these processes makes it easier to plan for the local communities to take advantage of the social network and connectivity of the global economy. I believe these processes should also include social development priorities, revenue stream management of local authorities, and ensuring that resource ownership and stewardship are based on frameworks that support sustainable development, from local community to national levels.

