Human geographer specialised in regional and local planning, urban-rural relations and agricultural geography. Research interests in governance models, territorial and multi-level governance, energy transition, sustainable development, actor-structure relations, resilience and participatory methods.
Academic qualifications
PhD in Human Geography (University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 2014)
MSc in Human and Economic Geography (University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 2009)
MSc in Environmental Science with Specialization in Environmental Planning (University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 2009)
Swedish (mother tongue)
English (fluent)
Norwegian (working knowledge)
Danish (working knowledge)
Prior Positions
Post-doctoral researcher and research fellow at the division of Rural Development, Department of Urban and Rural Development, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (2015 – 2017)
PhD-student, lecturer and research fellow at the unit of Human Geography (2009 – 2015), Department of Economy and Society, University of Gothenburg.
Associate Member of the research group Landscape and Planning at the unit of Human Geography
Peer reviewed publications
Slätmo, E., & Bogason, Á. (2024). Nordic rural policies for future service needs. Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift, 101(1). DOI:
Slätmo, E., Nilsson, K. & Huynh, D. (2022) The role of the state in preserving urban green infrastructure – National Urban Parks in Finland and Sweden, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management,
Slätmo, E. and Kristensen, I. (2021) Urban–Rural Linkages. An Inquiry into Second-Home Tourism in the Nordics. Chapter 15 in Bański, J. 2021 (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Small Towns (1st ed.). Routledge.
Refsgaard, K., Kull, M., Slätmo, E., & Meijer, M. W. (2020). Bioeconomy – a driver for regional development in the Nordic countries. New Biotechnology.
Slätmo, E.; Nilsson, K.; Turunen, E. (2019) Implementing Green Infrastructure in Spatial Planning in Europe. Land 2019, 8, 62.
Slätmo, E. (2019). Land for agriculture? Conflicts and synergies between land use in two parts of Scandinavia. Fennia – International Journal of Geography, 197(1), 25-39.
Slätmo, E. (2018). Financialisation and the Swedish Land Acquisition Act. . In H. Bjørkhaug, Magnan, A. and Lawrence, G. (Ed.), The Financialization of Agri-Food Systems. Contested Transformations. (pp. 281-298): Routledge: Earthscan Food and Agriculture. Have a look at the book
Slätmo, E. (2017). Preservation of Agricultural Land as an Issue of Societal Importance. Rural Landscapes: Society, Environment, History, 4(1): 2, 1–12, DOI:
Slätmo, E., Fischer, K. and Röös, E. (2017). The Framing of Sustainability in Sustainability Assessment Frameworks for Agriculture. Sociologia Ruralis, 57(3), p. 378-395. DOI:
Slätmo, E. (2016). Challenges in Agricultural Land Management – A Scandinavian perspective on Contextual Variations and Farmers’ Room to Manoeuvre. In Head, L., Saltzman, K., Setten, G. & Stenseke, M. (Eds.), Nature, Temporality and Environmental Management: Scandinavian and Australian perspectives on peoples and landscapes. (ISBN: 978-1-47-246465-1). Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, p. 169-185. Have a look at the book
Slätmo, E. (2014). Jordbruksmark i förändring. Drivkrafter bakom och förutsättningar för offentlig styrning i Sverige och Norge. Meddelanden från Göteborgs universitets geografiska institutioner. Avhandlingar. Serie B, nr 125, Göteborg. ISBN 91-86472-73-9 Läs avhandlingen
Beilin, R., Lindborg, R., Stenseke, M., Pereira, H.M., Llausàs, A., Slätmo, E., Cerqueira, Y., Navarro, L., Rodrigues, P., Reichelt, N., Munro, N., & Queiroz, C. (2014). Analysing how drivers of agricultural land abandonment affect biodiversity and cultural landscapes using case studies from Scandinavia, Iberia and Oceania. Land Use Policy, 36(0), 60-72.
Stenseke, M., Lindborg, R., Dahlberg, A. & Slätmo, E. (2012). System or arena? Conceptual concerns around the analysis of landscape dynamics. I Bieling, C. & Plieninger, T. (Red.), Resilience and the cultural landscape: Understanding and managing change in human-shaped environments. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, p. 80-94.
Elin Slätmo‘s spatial story
Slätmo is my family name but also the name of a farm stead in the Swedish landscape Närke. According to a formal letter hanging on the wall at my parents’ house, the farm has been traced back to have been in my family since the 1600s. The meaning of Slätmo can be translated as a form of very fine-grained soil. This might have influenced me to spend four years investigating governance of soils and agricultural land in Sweden and Norway in my PhD thesis.
I am a trained human geographer and a social environmental scientist at the School of Business, Economics and Law in Gothenburg. I moved to Uppsala in 2015, to pursue a postdoc-position at the Swedish university of agricultural sciences. There, at the department of urban and rural development, I was working in a transdisciplinary team of researchers. We did scenario analysis of the future of Swedish agriculture and critically investigated agricultural sustainability. I also had some time to further the studies in governance of soils, policy and planning. I started work as a Senior Research Fellow at Nordregio in 2017, and I enjoy the diversity of the work tasks both regarding concepts, research themes and methods.
Related Research Projects
- Giving Rural Actors Novel data and re-Useable tools to Lead public Action in Rural areas (GRANULAR)
- Local ownership in transitions towards sustainable energy systems (ELO)
- Robust Regional Preparedness
- GRETA – Green infrastructure: enhancing biodiversity and ecosystem services for territorial development
- Agenda 2030
- Urban-rural flows of seasonal tourists – local planning challenges and strategies
- Trend analysis for Bioeconomy in the Baltic Sea Region
- Carbon Neutral Islands
- Digitalisation in rural and sparsely populated areas – joint Nordic-Baltic learning
- The Sustainable Hub to Engage in Rural Policies with Actors (SHERPA)
- Defining Värmland
- Service provision and access to services in Nordic rural areas – secure, trusted and for all ages
- Collaborative Regional Leadership
Related Publications
- Global goals for local priorities: The 2030 Agenda at local level
- Green Infrastructure – Strategic land use
- Urban–rural flows from seasonal tourism and second homes: Planning challenges and strategies in the Nordics
- Compact cities trigger high use of second homes in the Nordic Region
- Agenda 2030 and SDGs at the local level – a brief start-up guide
- Ålands Utvärderarnas fördjupade årsrapport för 2018
- Globala mål för lokala prioriteringar: Agenda 2030 på lokal nivå
- State of the Nordic Region 2020
- Essential rural services in the Nordic Region – Challenges and opportunities
- Agenda 2030 och hållbarhetsmålen på lokal nivå
- Ålands Utvärderarnas fördjupade årsrapport för 2019
- Evaluation Report 2018
- Service provision and access to services in Nordic rural areas
- Local energy production in action: Igelbodaplatån
- Powering up Värmland with water
- Inclusive green transition using wind in Bornholm
- Strategies to address Nordic rural labour shortage
- Stabil civil beredskap i Norden
- Robust civil preparedness in the Nordic Region
- Austerland Energi – energy transition for local development
- Lokalt ägandeskap av hållbar energi
- Gotland’s community biogas initiative
- Essential Service Provision and Access to Services in Nordic Rural Areas
Related News
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- UppTalk 29 March: Local communities need local energy production
- SHERPA project working towards sustainable multi-actor platforms
- Nordregio – part of the Rural Revitalisation Thematic Group
- Nordregio and SLU host a conference “Ruralities and Regions in Transition”
- Second-home population needs more attention in Nordic policy and spatial planning
- State authorities can and should support urban green infrastructure – New Article
- Bioeconomy – a super force for the Nordic region?
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- Agenda 2030 at the local level – the work continues
- Urban–rural flows from seasonal tourism and second homes: New report published
- Realizing Agenda 2030 – the local way
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- Green Infrastructure: a successful tool in strategic land use planning
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- Nordregio researchers involved in a series of new publications
- Can local ownership facilitate the transition towards greener energy systems? Highly topical research project maps out possibilities and challenges
- Making Europe – and especially rural areas – climate neutral
- Locally produced energy: Solar energy on the rooftops in Nacka and a windmill park in Bornholm
- Nordregio Hosts Norwegian and Swedish Ministries Working with Municipal Policies
- How to boost robust regional civil preparedness?
- A guide to owning energy locally
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