Nora is a political scientist and demographer with a research interest in the causes and consequences of population dynamics, population projections and their sensitivity analysis, family change and family policies and the impact of demographic change on democratic polities.
Academic qualifications
2013: Ph.D. in State and Social Sciences, Universität der Bundeswehr München (Germany)
2008: M.A., European Political and Administrative Studies, College of Europe (Belgium)
2007: Magister Artium, Political Sciences (major), History and English Philology, Universität zu Köln (Germany)
Swedish (currently learning)
Prior positions
2015/2016: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Amsterdam (Netherlands), Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics
2014: Research Fellow, University of Southampton (United Kingdom), ESRC Centre for Population Change
2013: Research Fellow, Stockholm University (Sweden), Demography Unit
2012: Research Scientist, Population Europe, Berlin (Germany)
2008-2012: Ph.D. student, Max-Planck-Institute for Demographic Research (Germany), Laboratory of Population and Policy
Some publications
Perelli-Harris, B.; Berrington, A.; Sánchez Gassen, N.; Galezewska, P. and Holland, J. (2017): “The rise in divorce and cohabitation: Is there a link?”, Population and Development Review, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 303-329.
Neyer, G.; Caporali, A. and Sánchez Gassen, N. (2017): “EU-Policies and Fertility: The emergence of fertility-related family policies at the supra-national level”, FamiliesandSocieties Working paper Series no. 79.
Caswell, H. and Sánchez Gassen, N. (2015): “The sensitivity analysis of population projections”, Demographic Research, vol. 33, art. 28, pp. 801-840.
Sánchez Gassen, N. and Perelli-Harris, B. (2015): “The increase in cohabitation and the role of marital status in family policies: A comparison of 12 European countries”, Journal of European Social Policy, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 431-449.
Sánchez Gassen, N.(2014): Germany’s future electors. Developments of the German electorate in times of demographic change, Wiesbaden: Springer
Klüsener, S.; Perelli-Harris, B. and Sánchez Gassen, N. (2013): “Spatial aspects of the rise of nonmarital fertility across Europe since 1960: The role of states and regions in shaping patterns of change”, European Journal of Population 29(2): 137-165.
Perelli-Harris, B. and Sánchez Gassen, N. (2012): “How similar are cohabitation and marriage? The spectrum of legal approaches to cohabitation across Western Europe”, Population and Development Review 38(3): 435-467.
Related Research Projects
- Not Just a Green Transition (NJUST) – Examining the path towards a socially just green transition in the Nordic Region
- Evaluation of Indicators for the Social and Civic Integration of Migrants
- Integrating immigrants into the Nordic labour market
- Agenda 2030
- Common Indicators
- Rural attractiveness in Norden
- Rural Norden in 2050: Spatial perspectives on demographic and economic futures
- Adapting European Cities to Population ageing: Policy challenges and best practices
- ESPON ESCAPE – European Shrinking Rural Areas Challenges, Actions and Perspectives for Territorial Governance
- Financial sustainability in the Nordic countries
- Reducing loneliness among older adults in times of covid-19 and beyond: Experiences from three Swedish Municipalities (REDLON)
- ESPON Covid: Territorial impacts of Covid-19 and policy answers in European regions and cities
- Integrating immigrants into the Nordic labour market – The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
- Territorial Just Transition Plans for Gotland and Norrbotten
- Fields of Goals
- Territorial Evidence support for European Territorial Cooperation Programmes
- Employers’ role and responsibility in the integration of refugees and migrants
- Integrating climate into macroeconomic modelling (ICMM)
- Combatting long-term unemployment post-Covid – focusing on immigrants in the Nordic countries
- A common Nordic labour market 70 years and beyond (70 ys and beyond)
- Ensuring inclusive economic growth in the transition to a green economy (EnIGG)
- Nordic cooperation for Agenda 2030 implementation at the local level
Related Publications
- Scenarios for 2015-2080: The impact of migration on population and ageing
- Global goals for local priorities: The 2030 Agenda at local level
- The missing multiplier
- What’s in a voluntary local review?
- State of the Nordic Region 2022
- Integrating immigrants into the Nordic labour markets. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Agenda 2030. How to reach the goals and measure success at the local level
- Regional tourism satellite accounts for the Nordic countries
- Attractive Rural Municipalities in the Nordic countries: Jobs, People and Reasons for Success from 14 Case Studies
- State of the Nordic Region 2020
- Nordic Population in 2040 – Executive summary
- The Nordic Population 2040 – Analysis of Past and future demographic trends
- Integrating immigrants into the Nordic labour markets
- Policy Briefs – Integrating Immigrants into the Nordic Labour Markets
- Globala mål för lokala prioriteringar: Agenda 2030 på lokal nivå
- The impact of migration on projected population trends in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden: 2015–2080
- Just Green Transition – key concepts and implications in the Nordic Region
- Combatting long-term unemployment among immigrants
- Can we break the isolation? Experiences of digital tools in elderly care in three Swedish municipalities
- What impact do climate change policies have on Nordic economies, industries, and households?
- Why do people migrate? Where do they choose to migrate?
- Improving the evidence for European migration policy making
- Employers’ perspectives on hiring immigrants – Experiences from the Nordic countries
- State of the Nordic Region 2024
- Geographies of discontent in the Nordic Region
- The Common Nordic Labour Market 70 Years and Beyond
- The Nordic View on Sustainability – Learnings from the Local Level
- Moving together or drifting apart?
- Nordic Toolbox for a Just Green Transition
- Regional economic effects of the green transition in the Nordic Region
- Nordic spatial variations in demographic, social, and economic characteristics
- Navigating Nordic discontent: Regional divides, electoral trends, and the green transition
Related News
- New article: The economic and social impact of Covid-19
- Territorial impacts of Covid-19 and policy answers in European regions and cities
- Nordregio at the “Migrants and the Nordic Labour Market” conference
- New Report: COVID-19 increased the employment gap in the Nordic labour markets
- Just Green Transition in the Nordics: analysis of three Swedish regions
- How are the Nordic regions feeling?
- Fiscal Frameworks report and webinar now available
- Agenda 2030 at the local level – the work continues
- New issue of Nordregio Magazine: Jobs for immigrants
- 6-8 March ReNEW conference: Sweden and Finland front-runners in naturalisation
- New publication: Combatting long-term unemployment among immigrants
- Meet Nordregio in Almedalen 2023
- Decade of action: Localising the global goals in the Nordic countries and beyond
- How will climate policies hit Nordic wallets and welfare in the future?
- Nordic geographies of discontent – what are the drivers?
- Nordic finance ministers discuss Nordregio research
- What would a fully integrated Nordic labour market look like?
- New toolbox identifies six crucial areas for a just green transition
Related Events
- State of the Nordic Region 2022
- What’s in a Voluntary Local Review?
- 17 February: Taking the 2030 Agenda to the local level!
- Integrating immigrants into the Nordic labour markets – Launch event for Nordic Council of Ministers report
- “What Works” Conference
- Reglab Sweden Annual Conference
- GENERATION 2030: Global Goals for Local Priorities
- Keynote speech at the Eurocities Environment Forum
- Lunch seminar on Agenda 2030 in the Nordic Region, Umeå
- Nordic Ruralities: 5th Nordic Conference for Rural Research
- Agenda 2030 at the local level
- How can we achieve a fair green transition for all?
- Between hand-outs and stand-outs: The dynamics between rural actors and national goals in Nordic green transitions
- The Nordic View on Sustainability – lessons and practices
- Launch event: Economic Policy beyond the Pandemic in the Nordic countries
- Nordregio at the Nordic Tent in Almedalen 2024
- Launch: State of the Nordic Region 2024
- Nordic Toolbox for a Just Green Transition
- Regional economic effects of the green transition in the Nordic Region
- Navigating Nordic discontent: Regional divides, electoral trends and the green transition