Specialized in regional development, governance and planning processes.
Academic qualifications
MSc in European Spatial Planning at Radboud University, Netherlands;
MSc in Regional Development at Blekinge Tekniska Högskola (BTH), Sweden;
BA in Human and Urban Geographies, and Development Studies at University College Utrecht (UCU), Netherlands
Prior Positions
Research Fellow at Nordregio
Junior Research Fellow at Nordregio
Alberto Giacometti‘s spatial story
From Quito to Utrecht to Sweden, how did that happen?
I have always been fascinated by the way people and space are interrelated. Human behaviour determines the way we build our societies, cities, and homes. At the same time spatial aspects determine human behaviour: the way we interact with other people, the way we transport, the places we chose to frequent.
As I was growing up in the suburbs of Quito, Ecuador I realized that living outside the busy centre was quite a romantic idea, but a practical hustle. Yes, I enjoyed the beautiful garden and the dogs, but on a daily basis I probably saw more the black roads and stressed about car congestion. As many cities around the world, Quito adopted that outdated model of ‘development’, where expressways, overpasses, and all of those well-known monsters, are built within the urban space. As Jan Gehl once said: “We definitely know more about good habitats for mountain gorillas, Siberian tigers, or panda bears than we do know about a good urban habitat for Homo sapiens” I think he has a point!
After high school I moved to Paduli, a small town in south Italy, with quite different socio-spatial dynamics compared to the busy capital of Ecuador. Soon after, I started my studies in Human Geography in Utrecht, Netherlands , where I learned to empirically experience geographies with a sharpen eye. I realized that the relationship between people and space is way more complex; history, economy, demography, social values, politics, technology and even weather as well as a great deal of chance have an impact of how spaces evolve.
Later on, I engaged in a double degree Master program in European spatial planning and regional development in Nijmegen, Netherlands and Karlskrona, Sweden. This programme gave me the tools to understand how all members of society contribute to develop space and how proactively strategies, and policy can be used to steer territorial development. I became particularly interested in governance as a key angle to understand the way all actors in society play a role in the development of societies, economy and space.
– Albè
Related Research Projects
- Regional Economic and Social Resilience
- Towards coherence and cross-border solutions in Maritime Spatial Planning (Baltic SCOPE)
- BONUS BASMATI – Baltic Sea Maritime Spatial Planning for Sustainable Ecosystem Services
- PanBaltic SCOPE
- BT 2050
- Linking innovation and resilience: Synergy effects for regional development
- Nordic & Northwest Russia cooperation on wood and construction
- Accelerating wood construction across Nordics and Russia
- BeUBio – targeting youth in the Baltic Sea Region for the SDG:s and Bioeconomy
- ESPON 2020 Global FDI flows towards Europe
- BSRWood – Accelerating wood construction across the Baltic Sea Region
- Arena for Green, Innovative and Resilient Regions
- Nordic Cycle Power Network
- BioBaltic – Nordic-Baltic cooperation within bio-circular-economy
Related Publications
- Skills supply and governance in the Bothnian Arc cross-border region
- BONUS BASMATI HANDBOOK: Process, Methods and Tools for Stakeholder Involvement in Maritime Spatial Planning
- Social and Economic Resilience in the Bothnian Arc Cross-Border Region
- Building Economic and Social Resilience in the Nordic Regions
- Regional Economic and Social Resilience: An Exploratory In-Depth Study in the Nordic Countries
- Bioeconomy in the Nordic region: Regional case studies
- Nordregio News 3 2017
- TG2 Innovative and Resilient Regions – Roadshow report
- Synergies between Nordic studies on resilience, digitalisation, smart specialisation and skills development
- Discussion paper: The Systems Perspectives on Green Innovation
- Lithuania: creating symbiotic relations in bioeconomy
- Estonia: research-business partnerships in the bioeconomy
- Juan Medina: From the grounds up – reaping the benefits of the coffee bean
- Liisa Aavik: Zero Waste influencer, blogger and coach
- Innovation Dynamics in Wood Construction in Sweden and Finland
- Discussion paper on Digitalisation of Food Systems
- Latvia: towards a knowledge-driven bioeconomy
- Nordic border communities in the time of COVID-19
- Closed borders and divided communities: status report and lessons from Covid-19 in cross-border areas
- Championing sustainable construction using timber in the Baltic Sea Region
- Who drives green innovation in the Nordic Region? A change agency and systems perspective
- Liisa Aavik – Zero Waste influencer, blogger and coach
- Vaiva Žvirblytė: A young entrepreneur’s bet with solid cosmetics
- Marina, Ole Kristian & Mathias: Championing circular economy through material reuse at Loopfront
- Nadine Sydow: ‘slugs-are-gone’ invention – an ecological ‘repellent’ for slugs and snails
- Fredrik, Leo and Angelo: Cutting up to 4% of global emissions by feeding cows with seaweed
- Vinh Hoang: Plant based alternatives to plastic
- Mari-Ann Meigo Fonseca: ‘Gelatex’ leather like material – a better alternative for the garment industry
- ‘Care to Smile’ – a sustainable high-school student company
- Sami Holmström: ‘Solar Foods’ for health and sustainable environment
- Anastasia Selezneva: Think globally, act locally – a grassroots approach to generate social change
- Amit & Monika: Digital tools and their potential in improving food systems
- Ingrid Vik Lysne: ‘Sewstainability’ – the rise of reuse and redesign
- ‘Care to Smile’ – a sustainable high-school student company
- Making Innovation a Mission?
- Simone Grind: Promoting a self-sustaining lifestyle through community support agriculture
- Debunking cycling myths: Realities and recommendations for Nordic planning and policy
- Reaping the Benefits of Nordic Collaboration in Regional Development
- Implementing missions in Nordic regions
- Jussi Nissi: Cows are not the problem, but the system!
Related News
- Nordic thematic group for innovative and resilient regions publishes three discussion papers
- Nordregio co-moderates a panel discussion on the topic ´The role of regions in the Green Transition´
- Stronger institutions lead to higher Nordic trust
- Nordic Cooperation amid Pandemic Travel Restrictions – launch of the new report
- New Report: Nordic Cooperation amid pandemic travel restrictions
- BioBaltic: Nordic-Baltic Cooperation on circular bioeconomy
- “Country Road, Take Me Home? – Nordic Sustainable Economy”: New podcast with Nordregio Researchers
- Nordregio at Rural Research Day 2021
- Panel discussion “Youth journey towards a sustainable economy”
- Youth leadership practices in the circular economy shared with CBSS
- Is territorial governance needed in smart specialisation and maritime planning?
- Why is Nordic co-operation struggling during the pandemic?
- Stronger cross-border cooperation after the pandemic
- BONUS BASMATI: maritime planning for the future – new issue of Nordregio Magazine
- Results from Pan Baltic Scope: towards coherent maritime spatial plans
- Resilient regions: An increasing necessity in volatile societies
- New perspectives on Foreign Direct Investment inflows towards and within Europe
- Pioneering work for sustainable use and development of the Baltic Sea – The Baltic SCOPE project presents its results
- January 25-26: Final Baltic SCOPE meetings
- Nov 8-9: Strategy Forum of the EUSBSR
- Baltic SCOPE partners meet in Copenhagen
- Exploring the bioeconomy status quo in the Baltics
- Nordic-Baltic exchange on wood construction: results from study-trip to Latvia
- Western Balkan representatives will join Nordregio Forum in Iceland
- Eight common myths about cycling in the Nordics
Related Events
- Empowering Youth for Green Entrepreneurship – panel discussion
- Youth journey towards a sustainable economy
- Nordic/Russian matchmaking for wood in construction
- Strengthening cross-border communities: Lessons from Covid-19
- BONUS BASMATI: The final seminar
- ReGeneration 2030 Summit
- ESPON Workshop: The future of the Baltic Sea Region
- Seminar & Workshop: Engaging the youth into circular bioeconomy
- Summer school: Regional Development in a post-crisis and post-globalise world
- International Conference “Challenges of Europe”
- Forum on Local Economic Development in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Seminar & Workshop: Regional resilience in the Bothnian Arc
- Conflicts and Synergies in Maritime Spatial Planning
- Towards Smart, Attractive and Resilient Nordic Regions: a dialogue among researchers and practitioners
- Pan Baltic SCOPE Opening Conference
- ARENA: Who drives the ‘Green innovation’?
- COP26: Nordics are joining the COP with several events
- ARENA: What is the role of the regional authority in tackling grand societal challenges?
Related external pages
- Baltic SCOPE report: Overcoming fragmented transboundary MSP governance and weak stakeholder engagement in the implementation of the EUSBSR Dec 2017 publication: EU Commission: Interact Programme
- Baltic SCOPE report: Coherent Cross-border Maritime Spatial Planning for the Southwest Baltic Sea: Results from the Baltic SCOPE project Feb 2017 publication: Baltic SCOPE project
- Baltic SCOPE report: Towards Coherent Cross-Border Maritime Spatial Planning in the Central Baltic Sea Mar 2017 publication: Baltic SCOPE project
- Baltic SCOPE report: Lessons Learned: Obstacles and Enablers When Tackling the Challenges of Cross-Border Maritime Spatial Planning Mar 2017 publication: Baltic SCOPE project
- Baltic SCOPE report: Recommendations on Maritime Spatial Planning Across Borders Mar 2017 publication: Baltic SCOPE project
- ESPON FDI - Scientific report - Case studies
- Innovative and Resilient Regions